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over 10 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Update: Someone found some of my stuff and got it back for me (Still missing an enchanted axe and bow), turns out the hoppers were just backed up, but I'd still like you to please somehow fix it so this won't happen to anyone else.
over 10 years ago
I was in mynameisneil's zombie spawner room today, and died and lost all my stuff including an enchanted diamond sword among other valuable things. This wouldn't have been such a problem if I could've gotten them back, but I cannot. There might be hoppers under the floor or something, I don't know, but neil, if you're reading, please give me my stuff back and fix your farm so this doesn't happen again. I worked hard for that stuff and I don't appreciate losing it like this.
over 10 years ago
Hello everyone, I've been having a very big problem within my town. Most of my town is made up of guests who either cannot or do not know how to claim land, and I don't want to claim their's for them due to confusion with trusts because of the /lock command. This leaves all the other people in my town vulnerable to griefing and one of my residents has taken advantage of this. The user Chase654321 has built a house in my town, and has been known to grief entire towns in the past (like the town belonging to IStepOnAnts) and now he's after me! The first thing he did on my town was kill two of my resident Ice_Lights' tamed dogs, then killed all of another resident, iheartronnie's, horses. Then, one of the newest members of my town, Bananaleigh101, has opened up a makeshift store in my town (I say that because It doesn't use sale signs, they just pay her directly) and the store has been griefed repeatedly, twice just this week. Lastly, Bananaleigh's horses are indeed protected, but he aggro'd a creeper and led it next to the pen she keeps them in. I actually have a witness to that last one. Lach_Ras (my newest resident) saw the whole thing. The thing is, he keeps saying he's innocent and making excuses, like "The animals were attacking me," or "Lach did it" or just outright "No I didn't." This is going too far. Someone please help me kick him out of my town, if this isn't enough to get him banned from the server.
over 10 years ago